Thursday, 26 March 2015

#ThroughMyChildsEyes 2015 12/52

By Little LadyBug 

Through my child's eyes


  1. Oh what a lovely idea and really great pictures. I love that she took one of her toy tiger. We were talking about toys at the weekend and my youngest has asked me to look for a picture of her toy rabbit that we left on a plane once. I don't think we have one, I wish I has taken one of all their toys now. It's great seeing things from her perspective X

  2. These are great pictures. I love seeing photos taken from a child's perspective. Thank you for linking up to #throughmychildseyes

  3. Oh this is really nice, lovely to see the world through their eyes and this really captures it!

  4. Ah how cute and what a great idea, its not something I often do but really should let the boys take control of the camera x

  5. Oh my how lovely! You have a busding photographer on yours hands there x

  6. What a great idea, so interesting seeing what they see at that level x

  7. I do love these photos, the different perspective is wonderful to see :)


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