Sunday 3 May 2015

{THE ORDINARY MOMENTS 15} - One Sunny Day at the Beach

This photo is from May 2013. Mr L, Little Ladybug (LL) and I spent a week on holiday in Cromer, Norfolk. This was the first time that LL discovered the joy of digging in the sand and making sand castles with her Daddy. I love this photo of me and my girl. It is an "ordinary moment" of time when I felt very content with my life and looking forward to the future. As I sat on the beach and enjoyed the sunshine, I was thinking about the 12 week scan we had a couple weeks before and trying to imagine Little Ladybug being a "Big Sister".  I was happy that we had this exciting time to look forward too.

We were expecting our 2nd child in November 2013 but unfortunately it was not meant to be. We discovered early June that the "little ones" heart stop several weeks before. I like to think that on this beautiful day at the beach may have been the moment when the precious little baby left me and he/she knew how much they were loved and wanted. We were understandably very disappointed and the months following we grieved deeply over this loss.

Within a couple weeks finding that I had a miscarriage, Prince George was born. It was a very exciting time and everyone around me wanted to talk about Prince George. I kept thinking about Kate Middleton joining the "motherhood club" and how her life had changed forever.  I was extremely blessed to have a sweet little girl that gave endless amount of hugs and smiles.  I must admit though I cried several times watching all the coverage of the birth of Prince George. It was a constant reminder that I had to wait a little longer to experience the joy of giving birth to our 2nd child.  Everyone around me wanted to talk about babies and I wanted to cry.
The sadness did fade away slowly even though we did experience another moment of pure sadness later in 2013. In 2014, we were extremely blessed to have our miracle baby son.  I wake up every morning know how truly blessed I am to have my two healthy children. I would not change a moment of the past because it would not have lead me to the moment in time with my son.

Yesterday was a happy day when a new British Princess was born. I am very happy that Prince William and Kate have a new baby to celebrate. I send loving thoughts to those women and men that are currently grieving over a baby-loss and/or wishing for their miracle baby.

Best Wishes,

Linking up with Katie for "The Ordinary Moments"


  1. I am so pleased that you have got to this point in your life. I think we always remember those times, it's natural. You have two beautiful children x

  2. Your post made me cry. I couldn't imagine the heartache but am so pleased you have had a lovely son to join your daughter and your family x


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