Friday, 31 July 2015

Me & Mine: A Family Portrait Project 2015 - July

Happy Summer! We visited my in-laws this last week and had this photo taken. Unfortunately there was a little issue with bright sunshine reflecting off the lens of the camera so a little colour correction was needed. Love watching Little LadyBug (LL) and Bumblebee Boy (BB) growing up each month. 

July was spent mostly around the LadyBug Home. We celebrated Fourth of July (aka Rebellion Day as my Hubby calls it) by making red, white & blue cupcakes and got a box of yummy American goodies from my parents. We invited Nanny and Auntie to attend a Teddy Bears Picnic at LL's Nursery.

We bought BB's first swimming costume and he experienced splashing in a paddling pool. BB is very skilled at sitting on the floor unassisted now (accept when Sister pushes him over). He keeps leaning forward and often is found on his tummy reaching for toys. I think crawling is just around the corner.

LL ate her first snow cone.  It was a large bowl of ice with blue raspberry and strawberry favouring. We did some crafting for "Teddy Bear Picnic" theme. LL still has another year before heading off to School but she is officially on her "Summer Holidays" from Nursery and will be a Preschooler in September. We celebrated LL's 6-Month Birthday. LL, BB and I all have birthday's within month of cold Christmas so our 6-Month Birthday is way to celebrate getting older in the sunshine.

I (Mommy) have been busy balancing being a Mother, blogging, and running a local mum's website. Summertime is the highest traffic level to the mum's website but also means lots of new content to write and events to feature. Since it was a busy month, I had less time for developing this blog but LadyBug Home is still very important part of our lives. I was very excited this month to receive my first package from Coats Crafts UK. I have been chosen as a Craft Ambassador. The package contained a selection of beautiful Patons yarn, Anchor embroidery thread, sewing thread and beautiful fabric. In August, LL and I will be doing some crafting and using these quality products. I met Coats Crafts UK at BritMums 2015 but also met the team from Paragon Books. Starting in August, I will also be Parragon Book Buddies. LL and I looking forward to our first book to review.

This month, we will be focusing on enjoying the last month of Summer Holidays with crafting and some new adventures around the UK. We are also will be preparing for a trip to the USA in September to visit Grandma, Papa, family and friends. It will be first time that BB has gotten cuddles from Grandma and Papa.

Goodbye July and Hello August.

dear beautiful

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