My Baby Girl
With arrival of my beautiful baby girl came being woken in the middle of the night for requests of milk or sometimes just a cuddle. I cherished my sleep in the past but find lots of happiness in the hours spent in the silence of the night with my baby girl. I do have moments of just wishing I could simply ignore her cries or wake my husband and bag him to go make her a bottle of milk but the moment I see her beautiful face these thoughts drift away. I try to cherish the moments when the world around us is quiet and it is just the two of us. The months since her birth have flown by. We still have the special bond that comes with breastfeeding. I know sooner or later for several different reasons we will not have these moments of her feeding. I will miss her loving looks and how she reaches up to touch my face with her soft hands. I know we will have lots of cuddles in the future and I will enjoy her telling me about what she dreams about when she has that peaceful look on her sleeping face. At this moment and time, I am just grateful that I get to spend peaceful time during the early hours of the day with my amazing baby girl.

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